Building coconut presser

First prepare the materials to be use..

Materials to be use is..

  1. G.i pipe 1x1/2

  2. Angle bar 1x1/2 scrap only

  3. Steel plate

  4. Car jack

  5. 2 pcs. Spring

  6. Alluminum plate

  7. 1 kilo welding rod

  8. 8pcs. Cutting disc

Some of materials is buying on junk shop which is you can buy per kilo

Then proceed to build now..

After that i am actual to perform about the distancing of height of car jack and the plate at the top

Then continuing build the post and some part to be done..

This position of the top of plate is to high so I am adjusting again the a little bit to get lower

Finally it's good now.. last is to build the alluminum plate of coconut presser

Finally is done….


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