Organic Red Rice Production

Farming is not a joke from the song “ Magtanim ay di biro”. We cultivate our lower terrace by planting red rice organically..

Land preparation

Plowing with our Stargrazer in action…

Setting up our Bao-bao machine as weeding device designed in wet paddy

Let binhi dried for 2-3 hours

After resting bring to the spring or source of water to soak the binhi

Soak for about 48 hours or 2 days

Twice to plow the ricefield…

Bao-bao in action…

“ Labay “ the ricefield

Direct planting or sowing by throwing the binhi seeds in the ricefield

After 3-5 days upon planting

14 day old red rice


Building coconut presser


Organic Spray Pesticides